Decision Support Tool

A case study on how we were able to boost customers’ confidence throughout the Buy journey by increasing the assistance offered to them, allowing customers to make better informed decisions when selecting their Internet package

The problem

When customers didn't feel confident that they could purchase a package that would fit their needs, they abandoned the Rogers Ignite online buyflow and contacted a store or called instead.

Users & Audience

New customers browsing and shopping for residential Internet packages

My Role and responsibilities

Prime Product Designer, leading the project from 0-1, managing uncertainty and ambiguity, ensuring we're shipping meaningful and quality experiences;
• Worked closely with stakeholders to understand and diagnose symptoms;
• Collaborated with the product teams to ideate, define, research, analyze, design, validate and develop features that yield world-class experiences for our customers;
• Created user flows, interface wireframes, prototypes, and design documentation.
• Conducted heuristic evaluations of internal & external products
• Provided multiple solutions based on user needs, business goals, and technical constraints

The Design Process

Defining the problem

Lots of visits online, few buy flow starts. Majority of the customers bouncing off and calling in to speak with an agent to speak on their needs and get some insights on what package to purchase

We started with the curiosity to understand the process agents were going through when non-customers and customers called in to get an Internet package. What questions were they making?


  • Voice of the frontline

    We started our Discovery phase by listening to our agents. Through an internal program called Voice of the Frontline, we were able to talk with passionate agents that were experts when dealing with customers questions.

    From that conversation, we were able to identify our main audience: non-customers, that weren’t too savvy on terminologies (Mbps, Gbps, Download and Upload speed, etc) and looking to satisfy specific Internet needs (“enough speed to watch Netflix”, “work from home”, etc).

    Agents are able to boost customer’s confidence by asking questions and factoring in the customers’ needs. What if we were to simulate this scenario?

  • Audition

    Immediately after narrowing down the concept, we started to look at how other companies were leveraging any systems similar to Plan Builders, Quizzes and Questionnaires, and Decision Support tools

  • Target audience

    Throught the previous steps, we were able to identify that customers that are usually not confident to purchase their package online are also those that are not savvy when it comes to the terminology used to define Internet packages.

    Our target audience was those costumers that require more assistance throughout the journey.

Journeys and Flows


We worked with our partners to get our users the information that they need.

After we decided the questions and content, we started to work on the algorithm for the recommendation. By attributing values and weights to the questions and answers, we were able to define the range of options being presented based on the answers provided throughout the process.

Each answer = X value

The early wireframes started to take shape. Focusing on mobile-first we started to think about a simple way to put answers in front of the most asked questions, but giving that extra bit on the learning experience, covering any blind spots.


This whole process was done through pandemic times. In-person qualitative research was not possible, but through we were able to put the prototype in front of the audience we determined previously: non-Rogers customers, that wouldn’t consider themselves tech-savvy.


The results

I tried to use metrics to help understand Customer engagement with the Decision Support Tool

Are customers finding it?

What proportion of customers are clicking to start the tool?

Are customers using it?

Testing to see the drop-off rates after starting the tool

•Tool flow rate steady at ~90% tool completion rate
•Only 10% erosion from start of tool to completion

Are customers trusting it?

How often Customers are taking the recommendation

•Chart clearly shows that the majority of recommendation takers are doing so immediately within the tool;
•There is a significant bump in BuyFlow starts here when compared to overall.

•Recommendation influences Customers decision to buy even if they are not taking the recommendation;
• There is a significant bump in BF starts here when compared to overall.


Comparing Customer Buyflow Engagement (Overall vs Within 24 hours of seeing their recommendation)

Over 40% of Customers who have completed the tool (and seen a recommendation) have started a BuyFlow